Карты Иерусалима и подземных сооружений (подборка, ссылки)
1. Сайт, jerusalem-4thtemple.org, где собрано большое количество различных карт и изображений в pdf
2. Сайт, templemount.org, где собраны как карты, так и другие материалы
Галерея на Форуме:
Иерусалим - Храмовая Гора, тоннель под Западной стеной.
Реконструкция Цистерн по картам Ч. Вильсона
Early Maps and Models of Jerusalem.
Laor Collection, 114x74cm (149k)
One of the finest maps made in the nineteenth century was a map drawn by a British Soldier, Captain C. Wilson, in the year 1864-1865. Wilson created two maps. The first is a map of the Old City (scale 1:2500) and the second of Jerusalem's surrounding (scale 1:100000). These maps were the basis to all others made later, until the First World War when Jerusalem was photographed from the air.

85x99cm (88k)
Conard Schich, a famous Architect who lived in Jerusalem at the end of the nineteenth century, created a three dimentional model of Jerusalem as he envisaged it to be during the period of the Second Temple. The size of this model is 99 by 85 cm, and its scale 1:2500.

S. IIIes 1873
Jerusalem Museum, 450x400cm (68k)
A three dimentional map of Jerusalem was made in the year 1873 by an Hungarian priest who lived in Jerusalem for twelve years. This three dimentional map was displayed in an exhibition in Viena in the year 1873 and later in several countries in Europe. The size of this map is four by four and a half meters, and its scale is 1:500. It represents the Old City of Jerusalem and its surroundings.